Financial Aid

Gary Segay
Financial Aid Manager - Veteran & Graduate Students
Phone: 505.387.7428, extension 1070

Rena Tom
Financial Aid Assistant - Last Names A to K
Phone: 505.387.7417, extension 1059

Angelita Darwin
Financial Aid Advisor - Last Names L to Z
Phone: 505.387.7442, extension 1084
Associate of Science in Early Childhood Multicultural Education, Navajo Technical University
Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Multicultural Education, Navajo Technical University
Master of Art in Dine' Culture, Language, and Leadership, Navajo Technical University

Judy A. Yazzie
Financial Aid Assistant - Chinle and TeecNosPos Students, VA Students
Phone: 928.882.3137, extension 3004
Fax: 928.674.5769
A.A., Business Administration, Navajo Technical College
A.A., Accounting, Navajo Technical University
A.A., Elementary Education, Diné College

Marcella Begay-Jim
Administrative Assistant, Financial Aid - Student Payments & Billing
Phone: 505.387.7361, extension 1005
A.A.S. Administrative Assistant Office Specialist, Crownpoint Institute of Technology

Financial Aid Department Email
***We'll be able to have students send an email and we'll all receive it within our department***