Navajo Technical University

Admissions Information

General Admissions

The following documents must be received in the Admission’s Office. There are additional requirements for all Bachelor Degree Programs and the following programs: Commercial Driver License (CDL), and Veterinary. International Students have their own admissions requirements.

  1. A completed and signed NTU Application for Admission.
  2. A Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) or an official record of enrollment that indicates membership with a federally recognized Indian Tribe for all Native American students.
  3. An Official high school transcript or an Official General Education Development (GED):
    • Official high school transcripts should indicate graduation date and a “passing” result from the state competency exam. Students, who do not have an official high school transcript to indicate completion, will be required to submit a notarized Verification of Completion from the school district attended.
      An applicant who has not pass the state competency exams or receive an official high school diploma will be referred to an Admission Interview Committee.
      Note: Students who do not have high school documentation are not eligible for federal student aid. These students are responsible for payments of tuition and fees.
    • GED results require a passing score of 45 or higher in all subject areas.
  4. Official College Transcript For Transferring Student – sent in a sealed envelope to: Registrar’s Office, PO Box 849,Crownpoint, NM 87313 or Electronic transcript to Wanda Jimmie, NTU Assistant Registrar at
  5. Copy of Social Security Card — verification of legal name and SSN number
  6. Copy of DD214 if a Military Veteran to verify status
  7. Copy of COVID vaccination card or signed Affidavit of Exemption form

Contact Information

Admissions Office

Menell Large
Admissions Officer (Main)


VA Educational Benefits

Navajo Technical University supports our Veterans who served by providing certificate and degree programs. Veterans considering applying for GI Bill benefits should go online: to access the Veterans On-Line Application (VONAPP) website to complete their VA form 22-1990. The NTU Financial Aid Officer will then certify those courses that are on the certificate or degree plan. Any questions regarding education benefits should be addressed to the call center at 1-800-983-0937. The Navajo Technical University Veteran’s certifying official is located in the Financial Aid Office, 505.786.4183.

Home School Admissions

Students enrolled in a home school program will be referred to the Admission Interview Committee. Those accepted to NTU are required to meet regular or provisional admission. In addition, the home school educator must submit a transcript or document that lists the courses completed and grades earned by the student and also indicate the date the student completed or graduated from the home school program.

Note: Students who do not have high school documentation are not eligible for federal student aid. These students are responsible for payments of tuition and fees.

Early Admission for High School

Outstanding high school students can be admitted to NTU prior to high school graduation as a concurrent enrollment. Early admissions must be made directly to the Registrar unless otherwise articulated through an agreement with a local high school or school district.

The requirements for High School admission are outlined below:

Written recommendation from the high school principal/counselor
Current High school transcript with cumulative GPA as follows:
Junior – 3.5 minimum GPA required (or top 1/4 of class)
Senior – 3.0 minimum GPA required (or top 1/4 of class)
A completed admission application
Accuplacer test result
Certificate of Indian Blood (CIB) or an official record of enrollment that indicates membership with a federally recognized Indian Tribe
Signed NTU Alcohol and Drug Free Policy affidavit
A signed parental permission form

No student below the junior level of high school will be admitted. An accepted student must follow the same academic guidelines required by the University and must maintain a “C” or better grade in all classes taken at NTU and cannot enroll in more than two (2) classes without special permission.

Note: These students are responsible for payments of tuition and fees.

Dual Credit

Dual Credit is for high school junior and senior students who wish to earn both high school credit and college credit at the same time. The dual credit option is available for New Mexico and Arizona high school students whose school district has a signed Dual Credit Memorandum of Agreement or Statewide Master Agreement with Navajo Technical University as well as home school students.

Requirements for dual credit admissions:

Be enrolled at least part-time as a junior or senior in a home school program or a high school in which the school district.
Meet with their high school counselor to determine eligibility and available courses.
Submit an NTU Dual Credit Application for Enrollment.
Official Certificate of Indian Blood
Current High School Transcript
For New Mexico students: Submit a completed New Mexico Statewide Dual Credit Request Form
For Students under 18 years of age, must have parent’s signatures on all forms requiring Parent’s Signatures.
Demonstrate college readiness for the course in which they intend to enroll by meeting the course pre/co-requisites.
Take Accuplacer placement examination for Math and English Placement.

Register for approved courses.

Transfer Student Admissions

Students must indicate all institutions previously attended on their application.

Official transcripts must be in a sealed envelope and preferably mailed directly from the institution to the NTU Registrar’s Office. Institutions that send Electronic Transcripts are to be emailed directly to the Registrar only for it to be official. Note: Transfer courses are not included in calculating the student’s NTU cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA).
A Transfer Student who does not have a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or on academic suspension will be referred to the Academic Counselor to be placed on an academic contract or education plan.

Transfer Credit Evaluation
Credits earned at regionally accredited institutions of higher learning are accepted. Pre-college credits are not transferable. Transfer credit will not be given without an official transcript.

Transfer credit will be awarded for each college course level in which the student received a grade of “C” or higher.
A limit of 30 credit hours may be transferred toward an associate degree and a limit of 15 credit hours may be transferred toward a certificate program. Students in the bachelor degree program who request to have their courses transferred will have a limit of 60 credit hours eligible for transfer.
The courses must be taken within the ten year time limit of admission into the college. Credits over ten (10) years of age are subject to review prior to acceptance toward prerequisites and/or degree requirements in some program areas.
Science courses in the Registered Nursing Program must be taken within eight (8) years from admission or they must be retaken.

Military Credit Evaluation
Military service credit is granted based on recommendation of the American Council of Education’s “Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Service” and institutional policies. No credit is granted for Military Occupational Specialty (MOS). To apply for military credit, submit a copy of the DD214 and a copy of any applicable training not listed on the DD214 to the Registrar’s Office. The Veteran’s certifying official is located in the Financial Aid Office, 505.786.4183.

Non-Degree Admissions

Applicants who seek to enroll in a course or courses, but do not seek a degree or certificate shall submit a NTU enrollment application and a CIB (Certificate of Indian Blood). For those younger than 18 years of age, approval of parent or guardian will be required. Students on non-major status are not eligible to receive financial student aid or student employment, nor are they eligible to participate in student government or intercollegiate athletics, or to receive benefits from any veteran’s program.

Admission Requirements for International Students

A completed NTU International Student Application
Official High School Transcripts – Translated into English if in different language
Official Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores
TOEFL scores must be less than 2 years old from date of Admissions
Acceptable Scores: 500 paper, 173 computer base, 61 internet base
Financial Support Form
Official College Transcript – Translated into English if in different language

Navajo Technical University complies with the Department of Homeland Security and Student and Exchange Visitor Program within the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Upon NTU’s issuance of an I-20 form to the student, each International student must comply with the following:

  1. Must be enrolled as a full-time student
    1. May only take one — three credit course online
    2. must have current I-20, attend the school stated on I-20
  2. Must be enrolled in a program of study that results in a degree, diploma, or certificate
  3. Must be proficient in English
  4. May not work off-campus during the first academic year
  5. Students are responsible for locating suitable housing.
  6. Students are responsible for providing transportation to and from the college.
  7. Health Insurance
  8. Keep local address updated. Student has 10 days to report a new address if local address is changed.

Accuplacer Testing

All new students are required to take the Accuplacer Placement Test to place students in the appropriate Math and English courses. Transfer students who have successfully completed a college level English and Math with a C or better at another institution (as recorded on an official transcript) will not have to take the test if the course was completed within 10 years of the admission date on the application. The advisor and academic counselor provide Accuplacer placement test interpretation for appropriate placement in Math and English courses.

Contact numbers:
Crownpoint: 505.786.4340 or 505.786.4337
Chinle: 928.674.3797 or 928.674.5765

NOTE:  Students who place lower on the Accuplacer placement test than the English or Math courses required by the program requirements for the certificate or degree they are seeking will be required to take additional English or Math courses. EXAMPLE: a student whose accuplacer score places them in ENG-098 will have to satisfactorily complete ENG-098 (a grade of C or better) before they can take the higher level required English course(s) for their certificate or degree.


Career Assessment

New students will be given a career assessment to help determine if they have selected a field of study appropriate to their interests and skills. Students who are changing majors will also be required to take the assessment and obtain approval by the Career Counselor or his/her designee.


Program Admission Requirements

Admissions Requirements for Commercial Driver License Program

The Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1986 (CMVSA/86) is a law passed by the United States Congress which requires ALL the individual states to comply with certain standards in regards to the licensing of commercial motor vehicle (CMV) drivers. New Mexico driver licensing standards comply with the law, requiring CMV drivers to obtain a New Mexico Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) when driving applicable trucks and buses. A CDL license can ONLY be issued in the driver’s STATE OF LEGAL RESIDENCE, and if you have a CDL, you can have NO OTHER DRIVER’S LICENSE in ANY other state. The Commercial Driver License (CDL) program is offered at the main campus in Crownpoint, New Mexico and complies with the CMVSA/86.

Commercial Driver License (CDL) requires additional documents along with general admissions requirements:

A valid New Mexico Driver’s license (If applicant is between the ages of 18 – 24, applicant must show proof of completing a DUI Awareness class)
Department of Transportation’s physical exam form completed.
A copy of driving record from the New Mexico Department of Motor Vehicles Division
A copy of birth certificate
2 documents that show proof of physical residence in New Mexico

When all of the required documents are received and accepted by the Admission’s Office, the applicant will receive a letter of acceptance to NTU.

CDL Application Packet

Admission Requirements for Veterinary Technician Program

The mission of the Veterinary Technology degree program is to provide students with the academic, professional “hands-on” knowledge, and skills required to master the American Veterinary Medical Association’s Veterinary Technology Student Essential Skills which will prepare students as entry-level veterinary technicians, to successfully pass the VTNE (Veterinary Technician National Exam), and to perform as effective veterinary health care team members. Students will exhibit conduct that reflects practice standards that are professional, ethical, and legal. Graduates of this program will recognize career opportunities in traditional and non-traditional settings such as private veterinary practice, biomedical research, academia, food safety, government agencies, zoos, and other animal health-related fields.

The length of time necessary for completion of the program is a minimum of 7 semesters. A minimum of 69 credit hours must be earned in specific coursework including general education and core program courses. Students must meet with the Program Advisor before registering for classes each semester. Students must pass the VTNE in order to apply for state licensure.

The following are requirements for admission into the Veterinary Technology Program starting 2016 Fall semester:

Students must complete all general education courses prior to admission into program core courses. Students must maintain at least an overall G.P.A. of 2.5 for all required General Education courses and must earn grades of “C” or higher in BIO 120, CHM 120, ENG 110 (or ENG 111 or 112), MTH 121 and VET 090.Students must pass VET 090 Introduction to Veterinary Technology course (1 cr hr) with a grade of “C” or higher which shall be completed while taking General Education courses.
Students must pass all program courses with a 75% or higher in order to progress into the next semester courses.
Students must submit a total of three (3) current letters of recommendation from the most recent six (6) month period. Two of the letters must be from high school teachers and/or higher education instructors, and one (1) of the three (3) letters may come from a community member, church official, or employer. Letters must be in sealed envelopes and sent directly to the Program Advisor by the individual making the recommendation.
Students must submit a completed application with an essay (500-word maximum or less) on why they wish to study Veterinary Technology.
The final requirement for admission into the Veterinary Technology Program will be to complete a live interview by a panel of faculty and Program Advisor.

Admission Requirements for Bachelor Programs

Freshman and Transfer students are required to have a CGPA of 2.5 in High School or from the transferring school or will be provisionally admitted into the Bachelor program.
All students must maintain a CGPA of a 2.0 once in the program.
Must not be on academic probation for the first two semesters.
Complete all prerequisite in the degree program.
Complete all General Education requirements and the 100-200 level courses within the first five semesters of the Bachelor Program.
See below for specific requirements for each Bachelor programs:

BS: Environmental Science and Natural Resources
Each Freshman/First time applicant must be a High School graduate and have taken the following in High School to be admitted into the ESNR program:
2 year Mathematics: Algebra and Geometry
General Biology
General Chemistry
2 years of English
Pass an Oral and Written Interview with the ESNR program Committee

BFA: Creative Writing and New Media
A grade of “C” of above in ENG-111 (Composition and Research) or equivalent.
Creative Writing Sample.
A letter of application to the program

Information Technology – New Media
Cumulative average of 2.5 or better on all GE classes.
Letter of Introduction/Statement of Intent (1 page). Faculty interested in your career goals, aspirations, creative and intellectual experiences. Include a 1 page resume.
List of 5 Significant Media. In a brief paragraph for each medium, explain the significance of a film, TV program, book, website, music, play, video game, or other piece of New Media.
Creative Project. Provide a 1 page detailed explanation of a creative idea for a project that you could pursue as a college student. Indicate your inspiration for the idea and discuss your creative ideas.
Creative Sample/Portfolio/Demo Reel. As part of the application you are required to submit a portfolio of any creative work – short films, graphic design, website, illustrations, art, and animations. You must have written, directed, produced, shot and edited these samples. If you do not have a portfolio, prepare a short film or demo reel, no longer than 3 minutes for submission.
Meeting with New Media advisor. Set a time to meet with your advisor to discuss strengths and weaknesses of your creative project, critical analysis, and creative sample/portfolio/demo reel.
Create a graduation plan. Bring a copy of the New Media Program Graduation Checklist, all applicable transcripts, and present to the faculty your plan for completing the New Media program.

Denial or Cancellation of Admission

NTU reserves the right to deny or cancel the admission and/or registration of any student who has an outstanding debt at NTU. Any person found to have knowingly and willfully made false statements, furnished any false information, and/or concealed any material information will be subject to expulsion. NTU will not tolerate any such activity and will conduct a thorough internal investigation.


Appeal Procedure

Any student denied admission may submit a written appeal letter to the Registrar within 30 days of issuance of the notice of admission denial. The appeal letter shall detail the circumstances justifying reconsideration for admission. The student shall also submit supporting documentation that substantiates the appeal. The Registrar will then schedule a meeting with the applicant and the Dean of Student Services within 5 business days of receiving the appeal. The applicant will be notified of the appeals decision by mail within 10 business days of the meeting.



Students who have not attended Navajo Technical University for two consecutive semesters must reapply for admission. The student is responsible for providing all the admissions documents and will be required to retake the placement test if the Math and English requirement have not been met.

Students who were previously dismissed from NTU due to unsatisfactory academic performance (Academic Suspension), policy violations, or unacceptable behavior must submit a written request for readmission to the Registrar’s Office. All requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

  • Students with a previous history of substance abuse will be referred automatically to the Counseling Department for evaluation and recommendation of readmission.
  • Students on academic probation will be referred to the academic counselor to be placed on an academic contract. Students on academic suspension must submit a request for readmission to the Registrar’s Office and upon approval will be referred to the academic counselor and placed on an academic contract.
  • All outstanding debts to the college have to be satisfied in order for a former student to be re-admitted. Students who have an outstanding account will be referred to the Business Office (student billing) to resolve their outstanding debt.
  • No official college transcript(s) will be released to all requesting parties, for a student who has an outstanding debt to the college.

Navajo Technical University maintains an open admissions policy. Navajo Technical University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, gender, age, or disability. The university complies with applicable provisions of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Sections 503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973; Section 402 of the Vietnam Era veterans Readjust Act of 1975; the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, as amended; the Higher Education Opportunity Act, as amended; and the Navajo Preference in Employment Act. Equal opportunity for employment and admission is extended to all persons in accordance with Navajo Nation and applicable federal law.