Navajo Technical University

Information Technology Department

Working Remotely from Home

As all educational institutions are moving to remote working from home for the safety of students and faculty, so is Navajo Technical University. Please visit our Working Remotely page on getting information on how to prepare for working from home.

Working Remotely

Phone: 505.387.7363 / 505.786.4208


Students using computers at NTU are expected to follow the Information Technology policy and procedures.  In using NTU email, the Internet Services, or any Institute software or hardware, the student does so with the understanding that this technology has been provided by NTU and is the property of NTU. Navajo Technical University reserves the right to review and monitor the use of hardware and software belonging to the school or personal equipment utilized on school premises.  Such rights include the auditing of documents sent, received or viewed through the Internet and email.  Students have not right to privacy regarding materials stored, kept, sent, or received on NTU hardware, software or personal equipment maintained on school premises.



  • To provide quality and professional service to the NTU community, especially fast response and timely solutions to customer needs and questions.
  • Providing access, support, privacy, and security to all of the University’s IT customers.
  • Improving the effectiveness of IT services and sharing IT resources across NTU.
  • Supporting NTU’s mission, goals, and values.
  • Coordinating IT planning and communication for better use of resources.
  • Ensuring the development and sustainability of high IT standards for NTU.



IT envisions a future in which NTU’s dynamic learning communities have limitless access to individualized information, unfettered by technology and distance.


Polices & Standards

Document Link
Computer and Network Usage Policy Download PDF
Disaster Recovery Plan Download PDF
Technology Plan Download PDF



Document Link
Create Meetings with Zoom Watch Video
Google Device Policy (Apple iPhone Users) Download PDF
Google Device Policy (Android Users) Download PDF