Navajo Technical University

L.E.A.P. College Courses

College Success (SSC 100; 1 Credits)
Designed for first-time enrolled students, this course adequately prepares participants for the college experience by enhancing skills and increasing knowledge of college life and culture, study and test-taking strategies, and managing students’ financial and educational futures. Students will also discover helpful information that will aid in their planned transfer to another four-year institution, if that is the students’ goal. As for all courses at NTU, the Diné Philosophy of Education is an important component of this class.

Intermediate Algebra (MATH 1215; 4 Credits)
This course will cover the study of linear and quadratic functions and an introduction to polynomial, absolute value, rational, radical, exponential and logarithmic functions. Course material will be applied to real and relaitve fields of study, which includes Navajo culture and Diné Philosophy of Education and mathematics pertaining to student’s major.

Reading and Writing Skills (ENG 098; 3 Credits)
In this condensed, four-week course, we will work towards strengthening students’ reading comprehension and writing skills. We will make our way through literature that is relevant to our lives on the Navajo Nation while paying special attention to writing exercises related to readings and off-campus experiences. Through journal exercises, both instructor and student-led in-class discussions, essay writing, brief writing exercises, presentations, and grammar reviews, we will focus on improving students’ written and oral communication skills. Students will also learn to read and understand culturally responsive texts that value their personhood and draft short essays using various rhetorical forms. Successful completion of this course involves adequate participation in class discussions, writing assignments, field exercises, critical thinking, and above all, a positive attitude and open mind. We will think deeply about writing, reading, and communication within our own historical and cultural context so that, by the end of the session, students will have developed as critical thinkers, readers, and writers at NTU.