School of Graduate Studies & Research Faculty

Siri Tuttle, PhD
Professor of Navajo Linguisitics
Phone: 505.387.7380
PhD, University of Washington – Seattle
M.A., University of Washington – Seattle

Theodore B. Fernald, PhD
Professor of Navajo Linguisitics, NTU Adjunct
PhD, Linguistics, University of California, Santa Cruz
M.A., The Ohio State University
B.A., The Ohio State University

Wesley K. Thomas, PhD
Interim Dean of Graduate Studies & Research
Adjunct Professor for Diné Studies
Phone: 505.387.7374
PhD, Cultural Anthropology, University of Washington-Seattle
M.A., Cultural Anthropology, University of Washington-Seattle
B.A., Anthropology, University of Washington-Seattle

Franklin Sage, PhD
Graduate Assistant Professor of Dine' Studies
Phone: 505.387.7412

Natalie Desiderio, BA
Administrative Assistant
Phone: 505.387.7520