NTU’s honorary Doctorate degree is an academic degree which waives the usual degree requirements to confer a distinguished individual’s contribution to a specific field on the Navajo nation, the university or society in general. NTU’s honorary Doctorate represent the university’s highest distinction of outstanding contributions to scholarship, leadership, and public service reflecting the vision and mission and philosophy of the university.
The committee on NTU’s Honorary Doctorate petitions all nominations to be awarded. The university requires that: Any member of the Navajo Technical University, including faculty, staff, board of regents, students in good standing and alumni, may nominate individuals for consideration for an honorary degree. Nominator is to nominate only one per year and nomination of candidacy may not exceed a total of 15 nominations per year. If more than 15 candidates are nominated, the Nomination Committee will select the top 15 for consideration.
Nomination Requirements
Nominations shall be submitted to the Nomination Committee Chairperson in writing and shall consist of the following:
- A Letter of Nomination
- A Curriculum Vitae not to exceed eight (8) pages
- A written description that clearly describes the distinguished achievements and impact of those achievements, including contributions to Navajo society, culture, scholarship in humanities (communication, history, language and literature), social sciences, education, public service, science, engineering and related fields; and with supporting documents.
Nominee Eligibility
- Employees or Board of Regents in active service of Navajo Technical University are not eligible for honorary degree.
- Honorary degree will not be awarded to active politicians engaged in political campaigns for office in an election year.
- Honorary degree may not be conferred in absentia.
Confidentiality is requisite to the nomination process. The nominee shall not be informed that his or her name is being submitted or considered. Further, additional support on behalf of the nominee from those outside the University will not be considered. The Board of Regents and NTU President will submit an official notification to the selected person for the honorary degree.
Submit nomination form and all supporting materials by August 9th to:
President’s Office, Attention: Honorary Degree Nomination Committee Tonilee Becenti tbecenti@navajotech.edu,
Lower Point Rd/ State Hwy 371, PO Box 849
Crownpoint, New Mexico 87313
Document | Link |
Honorary Degree Nomination Form | Download File |