Navajo Technical University

L.E.A.P. Scholar Expectations and Responsibilities

As the third cohort of L.E.A.P. Scholars, students admitted to the Summer 2021 L.E.A.P. will be representing not only themselves and their families, but also the NTU staff that coordinated L.E.A.P. It is our hope that by providing an intensive summer bridge program, that we can help admitted first-time enrolled students to achieve university success by offering them college courses and opportunities to build long-lasting friendships. In this capacity, L.E.A.P. Scholars will be expected to represent themselves, their families, and the program in the best light.

L.E.A.P. Scholars are expected to abide by the following:

  • must adhere to University policies and regulations as set forth by the NTU Board of Regents and Administration. You can view the undergraduate catalogue at the following link: /students/policies-docs.
  • must commit themselves to the diversity statement on the L.E.A.P. application, which states: NTU does not discriminate on the basis of gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, or any other unique identifiers. L.E.A.P. participants are expected to uphold this belief and treat each other with the upmost respect.
  • must attend L.E.A.P. in its entirety, which includes holidays and weekends, and participate in ALL activities and classes unless prohibited by physical disability, cognitive disability, or medical issues.
  • must show proof of COVID-19 vaccinations
  • must pass the free college courses being offered under L.E.A.P. with a ā€œDā€ or above. Failure to pass these courses will put the student at risk for paying the University back.
  • must maintain a positive attitude when participating in courses, workshops, activities, off-campus trips, residential meetings, and any other L.E.A.P. experiences.
  • must let staff know if they are having difficulties with internet issues immediately as the majority of the program is virtual.
  • must notify Sherietta Martinez-Brown immediately if they have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID during the Summer 2021 LEAP Program.